
Monday, April 28, 2014

I dream of Paris..

Welcome back

Hello world! Or just hello to you Siobhan coming back to read this in a few months time..
Either way I am back again and I have decided to try and write a blog post once a month up until I depart. Life here in Syd is getting a little hectic between the craziness of uni (get me out of there ASAP please) and working my butt off on weekends to save my pennies for my time O/S. 

 Oh yeah the countdown is on.

Nobody warns you how much of a stuggle the lead up to going away is. I mean I know I am getting a little ahead of myself as I don't leave for another 96 days but still.. trying to have any sort of motivation for uni work is non-existent right now. Every time I sit down to start on that marketing research assignment it seems to turn into a perfect and rare opportunity for me to browse at hostels in Santorini, make lists of 'must visit' cafes in Paris and my personal favourite (thanks French Steph) is to look up hashtags on instragram e.g. 'Bordeaux markets' haha pathetic I know but so handy! My point is that it is really difficult to keep on track with normal life when you have something so exciting that is slowly creeping up, not to mention the difficulty to save money. Why does shopping exist? And delicious lunches and lattes? Ahh the struggle is so real! In saying that, I think I have somewhat mastered the top tips to save those pennies for exchange or an O/S adventure which I would love to share..

So here we go!

Santorini I am coming!

Thanks to a push from my mum (the queen of saving money and following budgets) I created my own weekly budget. Let me just put a bit of a disclaimer - prior to using a budget I certainly was a lover of frivolous spending.. nothing crazy I just thoroughly enjoyed regular trips to Zara and of coarse lots of eating out and nights out on the w/e. A lot of this had to stop if I wanted to have any funds for Bordeaux.

Tip #1. Roughly work out an attainable range of money that you will put away each week from your pay (e.g. $150 - 200 or if you really are working hard $500-600). Remember to be honest with yourself - disappointment is not fun so think of an amount that you know you can achieve.

Tip #2. Write down your weekly costs. I am very fortunate in that I live at home so these are relatively minimal for me, including, transport costs, phone bill and most importantly coffee costs. I am sorry Mum I can't give up my coffees! I just limit myself to $10/week for coffee.. I am a uni student so it's a NEED.

Tip #3. Put away a smallish amount of money each week to go out for lunch or dinner, or what I like to do is accumulate multiple week's 'extra spending money' to buy a top, shoes or lipstick I have been eying off (aka convinced that it will add value to my life).

Tip #4. The most important for me - STEP AWAY FROM THE SHOPPING CENTRES. I cannot stress this enough! If you are anything like me you must physically remove yourself from shops because if you don't see it then there is no chance of you subconsciously convincing yourself that you need that pair of jeans. In addition to this don't even open your emails from ASOS or Missy Confidential. It's just not worth it!

Tip #5. Lastly, change your mindset. You need to realise that the more money you save the more you will appreciate it later on. Of coarse money isn't the be all and end all but learning to have discipline with your money allows you to have more comfort and enjoyment overseas. My Mum always says to me as I leave for a 9 hour shift of work "just think darling.. a whole day in Paris!".. so positive thoughts like that certainly help and keep you on track. Also remember that no one is perfect so don't expect yourself to stick to your budget for months on end.. of coarse there are times here and there that I treat myself.

 All day every day..

Three hours later you made it to the end of this blog post! Extremely long I know, but I really hope this helps just one single person out there. Although 'saving money' seems like an easy task it really isn't (so I have discovered) so hopefully these tips will help someone get overseas to their dream city.

Enjoy your day,

Siobhan X.

Instragram: siobhanash
Twitter:    siobhana4


  1. Greeat post <3

  2. Really nice post!

    1. Aw thank you.. just checking out your blog now! X

  3. Lovely post! and oh well, 'step away from the shopping centers!' :') Isn't it funny how easy it sounds but how hard it is?

    I've never been to Paris though.. I've really good friend in France and I visited them once when I was a little bit younger. I remember driving through Paris and night but we never stopped so I actually never been there. Hope I'll be once!

    XX Kim

    1. Thank you for such a lovely comment Kim! This has made my day.
      I adore your blog so much.. literally every post is just perfection and I hope you also get to go to Paris some day.. I can't wait it looks so beautiful.
      X Siobhan.

  4. I think I need to take the advice you have given in 'tip #4' desperately! Haha

  5. Haha I know right.. it is so hard. Sometimes I tell myself just a 'browse' is ok but before I know it I am in the changing room. Oh the struggles of being a girl X.

  6. I am surely bookmarking this post just in case I visit Paris anytime soon.
    Thank you so much for sharing this post.
    Loved reading it. Would you like to follow each other
    on GFC , Bloglovin & Google +?
    Lemme know!


    1. Thank you SO much for this lovely comment. It means a lot.
      I am impressed by how stylish your blog is! Also I have just followed you on Bloglovin & Google + :) X
