
Friday, June 20, 2014

All Attention on Exchange

Um. So. What? I am fini! (that is finished in French btw). YES finished. This feels weird. The emotions are so real right now.

What are you finished, you may be asking? I am officially done and dusted with uni here in Australia until 2015. I just (about 3 hours ago) completed my final exam and woo that feels good. Actually to be honest I am not sure how I feel because I am that excited. I have  been waiting for this day for SO (really need to emphasise the "so") long. It is the day I pictured all summer as I worked 8+ hour shifts.. day after day.. it was also what (just) pulled me through exams and this bitch of a semester. 

DONE DONE DONE…. It is officially time to celebrate and get so damn excited for exchange and travels and French food and wine and ah. Am I going to get any sleep over the next 44 days? I am going to guess not. Oh man.  

Shall we celebrate with some Bordeaux wine and the bay view?
In addition to building up my excitement levels to the most ridiculous level possible (If you haven’t realised already I looove to get excited over anything. Seriously anything) I will also be working my butt off over the next four weeks. Again. Yep.. more work. But like I mentioned in my   previous post, the more money I can save now the more I will appreciate it. Oh and also I have the world’s longest to do list to complete.. I was serious about the no sleep. There is a S#@*T load of work to be done. But bring it on. I’m excited.

Enjoying the native Aus blossoms I spotted
Another thing... packing? When does this begin? I have somewhat started my list but it is one of those things I keep avoiding, eeek. French Steph, Brooke (my other travel buddy) and I sat down for lunch last week and made a crack at our packing list. To give you any idea of the difficulty of this task.. it took us a good 20 minutes to decide on 4 pairs of shoes. Yeah.. It is going to be a long road for us ladies but I am so incredibly happy to have these two by my side. Our facebook group message has been keeping me going through this hell of a semester and I really cannot wait to travel with these two fab human beings. 

The moment we realised how close the trip really is!!

One last thing.. I stumbled across a notebook that I had written some things down at the beginning of the semester. It was basically a message from myself to myself (weird) saying to stop stressing and to not worry about insignificant things e.g. MONEY. We all do it. Whether we have insufficient or more than enough funds, we will always worry. It really is ridiculous no matter what the situation. So this was a really great reminder for myself to just calm down and most importantly let those things take care of them self. I think it’s time to enjoy this final chapter of the planning stage because  I really don’t want to hop onto that plane as an exhausted, nervous wreck. So on that note.. tips for myself for the last 4 weeks:

1. Calm down. Seriously caaalllm. Time isn’t going to go any slower so get your act together. 
2. BE PROACTIVE. Start ticking off that heck of a to-do list so that I have time to really relax and be with my family and friends before I head. 
3. Just let things sort themselves out. Don’t take yourself or anything else too seriously because like most things, IT WILL unfold.

Love time with my fam and best friends.

And that is it.. Another not-all-that-great blog post but tonight was momentous so it had to be documented.

Bye for now, chat soon when my to do list isn’t as mental. 

Siobhan X. 

Instragram: siobhanash
Twitter:    siobhana4

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